WTF? How could I have failed to commit a transaction yet testing all checked out? Well that's a mystery I haven't yet figured out, but I did find a good query (that I had to alter somewhat to make work) for getting the text of the command that had not yet been committed:
st.Session_id, req.Blocking_Session_ID [Blocker], req.Wait_Type,
req.Wait_Time [WaitTimeMS], req.Wait_Resource, req.open_transaction_count,
req.percent_complete, dt.transaction_id, dt.database_transaction_begin_time,
case when dt.database_transaction_type = 1 then 'RW'
when dt.database_transaction_type = 2 then 'R'
when dt.database_transaction_type = 3 then 'Sys'
else 'Unknown'
end [TranType],
case when dt.database_transaction_state = 1 then 'Not Initialized'
when dt.database_transaction_state = 3 then 'Initialized, but no logs'
when dt.database_transaction_state = 4 then 'Generated logs'
when dt.database_transaction_state = 5 then 'Prepared'
when dt.database_transaction_state = 10 then 'Committed'
when dt.database_transaction_state = 11 then 'Rolled Back'
when dt.database_transaction_state = 12 then 'In process of committing'
else 'Unknown'
end [TranState],
req.Status, req.Command, stxt.objectid [ExecObjID],
(SUBSTRING(stxt.text, req.statement_start_offset/2,( CASE WHEN req.statement_end_offset = -1 then LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max), stxt. text)) * 2
ELSE req.statement_end_offset
end -req.statement_start_offset)/2)) [SubText],
stxt.text, req.statement_start_offset
sys.dm_tran_database_transactions dt (nolock)
inner join sys.dm_tran_session_transactions st (nolock) on dt.transaction_id = st.transaction_id
inner join sys.dm_exec_requests req (nolock) on st.transaction_id = req.transaction_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(req.sql_handle) [stxt]
dt.database_id = db_id() and st.is_user_transaction = 1
This query wouldn't work in my situation (would barf "Incorrect syntax near '.'" at the second to last dot), but it will work on a database with compatibility level 90 or better.
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